Need to say thank you for the remarkably positive response to the rant on Reparative Therapy in Texas. I wanted to clear something up though, at the request of a couple of people who, very civilly, made a good point. They asked that I make the distinction between Texas and the guys on the platform committee that push that bullshit agenda. Good point. I’ve been to Texas probably 25 times and have never had a bad time. Great people, great food, great music (Austin rocks) and call me corny but they have three things that must be stated:
1. They have the Alamo.
2. They have Jim Hightower. Jim is my 2nd cousin and is a serious troublemaker who writes books, does radio shows, and who generally makes war with Texas politics all day, every day. Love him. Google the guy!
3. A ton of very kind, civil (yes, there’s that word again), forward-thinking people.
So, I stand by what I said, but would like to add that despite the lunatic politic (I should know what it looks like, I’m from California), Texas has amazing people well-worth my respect and consideration. I write this because two very nice Texans asked this of me, not because I think Texas gives a shit what I think. They don’t. That’s fine.
Love, E
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